
Christmas Most Dangerous Week of Year for Aggressive Driving

Christmas might be a time for happiness, family gatherings and joyous giving, but it’s also a time when we see some serious risks for aggressive driving-related accidents. According to The Washington Post, a third of polled drivers say that they’re a bit more aggressive behind the wheel once holiday stress sets in. Recent studies indicate that traffic accidents skyrocket during the final days before Christmas.

Aggressive driving is not just a holiday problem. The Washington Post study concluded 20 percent of drivers feel occasional aggression behind the wheel year round. Close to 70 percent say that they often see other drivers showing uncontrolled anger toward someone else.

Our personal injury attorneys in Broward understand the risk is heightened through the busy holiday season, as snowbirds head south for the winter and the tourists begin to arrive. Combine with the pressure of the holidays, the gifts, the family visits and our stress levels are bound to rise. We’ve also got the problem of distracted drivers, which haunts everyone out there, including motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. During the end of December, it’s more important than ever that we’re calm and collected behind the wheel — let’s show a little compassion for our fellow travelers.

“People tend to drive aggressively when they are feeling stress in their lives, so it makes sense that this occurs during the holidays,” said Jonathan Adkins with the Governors Highway Safety Association.

The most dangerous days of the holiday season are the six days that surround Christmas. During this time, we experience about 20 percent more accidents than we do during the heaviest travel time of the year — Thanksgiving. We see about 30 percent more accidents than on New Year’s Eve.

One of the most common forms of aggressive driving that we see during the holidays is speeding. It’s critical that drivers keep an eye on their speedometer and on the traffic around them. It’s important not to tailgate and to leave plenty of room between you and other vehicles to avoid a potentially fatal accident.

The busiest of days during this hectic travel time is the Friday before Christmas. Many Americans are ready to get off of work, pack up and head out on that long-weekend holiday vacation.

If you are going to be traveling over the holiday, we suggest that you do it on Christmas Day or on Christmas Eve. Those are the two safety days of the period.

You especially warned to be safe around shopping malls and other shopping districts. Traffic congestion in these areas is expected packed as last-minute shoppers hurry to gather their presents before Santa stops in.

We want to wish you a happy holiday season and ask that you please be cautious during your holiday travels! Safe driving can help keep you and your family safe from injury.

If you or someone you love was injured in an accident, contact Freeman Injury Law at 1-800-561-7777 for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

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