When you buy auto insurance and keep up with your monthly premium, it’s supposed to offer peace of mind. You trust that when you get into an accident, your damages will be covered. However, it happens fairly often that the cost of this “protection” is constantly on the incline and…
Articles Posted in Car Accident
Federal Authorities Investigate Tesla Autopilot After Fatal Florida Car Accident
When a 40-year-old Ohio man crashed into a semi-truck on a Florida highway last May, the initial assumption was that this was simply another tragic accident. But as investigators would later come to find out, the Tesla (TSLA.O) Model S sedan in the fatal crash was running on autopilot at…
Allen v. Montalvan – Car Accident Settlement Over $50K With Minors Requires Court-Appointed Legal Rep.
Motor vehicle accidents are the No. 1 killer of children under 14 in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When a car accident involves a child injury, it’s important to ensure the child’s rights are protected in any ensuing settlement or litigation. In fact, Florida…
Orlando Car Accident Death Lawsuit Verdict for $10M Against Domino’s
An Orlando jury awarded $10 million to the plaintiff in a wrongful death lawsuit that holds Domino’s Pizza liable for a car accident reportedly caused by a delivery driver employed by a franchise. What’s particularly interesting about this case – and what could have ramifications for future cases – is…
Cincinnati Ins. Co. v. Estate of Chee – Excess Insurance Coverage in Car Accident
Excess insurance coverage is an insurance policy that provides coverage that will be in excess of what was available under the underlying liability policy. Often, that’s an umbrella policy, but it could be an auto insurance liability policy as well. The general rule with excess insurance is that it can’t…
Regulators Move to Make Back Seats Safer
Crash test dummies will soon be taking a back seat. With an increasing number of people relying on ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has announced plans to update its use of crash test dummies in frontal crash tests for its 5-Star Safety…
Police: Fatigue a Factor in Fiery Disney Crash
A fiery car accident near Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Orlando was reportedly caused by a fatigued driver. The crash involved a sport utility vehicle and a bus that collided around 6 p.m. It reportedly resulted in 11 injuries, with eight of those being passengers on the bus. Those injuries ranged from…
People Texting Drivers Could be Liable for Resulting Accidents
Drivers who text, snap photos or email while they are driving could find themselves liable – and possibly charged criminally – if their distraction results in a car accident. But what about the people with whom they are communicating? A recent report by Vocativ reveals the legal landscape is shifting,…
GEICO v. Macedo – Attorney Fees in Florida Injury Lawsuits
If you are involved in a car accident, you may be wondering not only if you should hire an attorney, but whether you can afford one. The good news is that our Orlando car accident lawyers take cases on a contingency fee basis, which means clients do not pay attorney’s…
State Farm v. Brewer – Car Accident Lawsuit Involves Doctor Asleep at Wheel
F.S. 768.72 allows personal injury claimants in Florida to seek punitive damages against defendants for especially egregious wrongs. However, there are many limits on these damages. Although they are received by the plaintiff, they are not intended to compensate the plaintiff. Rather, they are intended to punish the defendant. Courts…