You probably have some kind of car insurance, since the law requires it. However, oftentimes you may not know what your car insurance actually pays until it’s too late. After a car accident, you call your insurance company, they might ask you follow-up questions by mail or phone, and then…
Articles Posted in Traffic Crashes
Florida Texting-Driving Laws Weak, Driving Up Auto Insurance Rates
Florida’s distracted driving laws are weak, failing to protect motorists or deter violators, and are driving up auto insurance rates. That’s according to several reports released recently, including a three-part series by WTSP 10 News in Tampa. It’s well-established that Florida has one of the weakest anti-distracted driving laws in the…
Tech Distractions Blamed for Biggest Spike in Car Accident Fatalities in 50 Years
Our nation’s streets, roadways and thoroughfares are an increasingly dangerous place to be. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports the number of highway deaths in the first six months of this year spiked 10.4 percent – to 17,775 – as compared to the first six months of 2015. And…
Report: Broward Bus Driver Has Lengthy Accident History
Broward County Transit is coming under fire for its continued employment of a bus driver who in two decades of service has racked up: 25 written warning slips 16 accidents 30 days of unpaid suspension Troubles with his employment started little more than a week after he was hired, and…
Report: Older Drivers are Among the Safest, Although With Higher Injury Risk
There is an erroneous stereotype that holds old drivers are bad drivers. The reality, however, is quite the opposite. A new report issued by the Insurance Institute for Traffic Safety indicates drivers over the age of 65, when compared to other age groups, are less likely to text and drive,…
Smith v. Maryland Casualty Co. – Auto Insurance Carrier Fights Coverage Claim
Auto insurance carriers are some of the most notoriously difficult to negotiate with following a crash resulting in injury. Often, they will extend low-ball settlement offers in lieu of policy limits, even when it seems clear full coverage is warranted.That’s if the carrier doesn’t deny the claim outright. Policies are…
Robinson v. Wash. Metro. Area Transit Auth. – Bus Injury Litigated
The Broward County Transit has been operating for years, deploying 300 buses to cover more than 400 square miles with connections to both Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, as well as the Tri-Rail. This is a lot of area to cover daily, and for the most part, drivers do a…
Fort Lauderdale Firefighter Killed in I-95 Crash
A Fort Lauderdale firefighter was killed after he stopped on the side of the road to change a flat and was struck by an oncoming vehicle on Interstate 95. The case is a reminder to drivers not to text and drive and to avoid other distractions while driving to prevent…
Florida Troopers Crack Down on Distracted Driving With “Staying Alive on I-75”
Florida state troopers and local law enforcement agencies are bolstering their presence on Interstate-75 in April as part of the national “Staying Alive on I-75” initiative, which seeks to slash deaths by 15 percent along one of the nation’s longest highways. Dozens of fatal crashes occur along the highway every…
Van Rollovers a Summer Risk on Florida Highways
The National Highway Traffic Safety Association has issued a consumer advisory to drivers of 15-passenger vans to guard against rollover crashes, particularly during this warm weather season. Our Jupiter personal injury lawyers know the message is timely because these type of vehicles are often rented or used in the summer…