
FHP Pushes Red-Light Running Campaign to Help Reduce Risks of Accidents

Most kids know how traffic lights work. But even with the simplicity of these devices, not all drivers obey them. Running a red light greatly increases your risks for an accident.

The thing is that accidents resulting from red-light runners are completely preventable. That’s why officials with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) are pushing National Stop on Red Week. During the safety campaign, FHP officials will be joining forces with law enforcement officials throughout the state in looking for drivers who aren’t stopping at red lights. These drivers place bicyclists, pedestrians and other motorists in serious danger for an accident in West Palm Beachand elsewhere.

“As motorists in Florida, it is our duty to drive responsibly, drive safely and stop on red,” said Col. David Brierton, Director of the FHP. “Troopers will take the appropriate action on those drivers who place themselves and others in danger by running red lights.”

To help to keep you safe at intersections and at traffic lights, officials with the FHP are here to offer you some safety tips.

Red Light Safety:

-Remember that there are dangers coming from all directions at an intersection. When your light turns green, be sure to look in all directions for red-light runners before you head out. Do this regardless of how you’re traveling; bicycle, on foot or in a vehicle.

-Don’t try to race your way through a yellow light. You’ll want to apply your brakes slowly to safely decelerate. Make sure you stop before you reach the intersection.

-If you decide to blow through a red light, you’re not only putting yourself at risk, but other innocent drivers, too. You’re also running the risk of getting a citation and a moving violation on your driving record. You could even wind up with damage to your vehicle, higher insurance rates, costly medical expenses and irreversible consequences if you seriously injure or kill someone.

-Determine today that you’ll always be ready to stop on red. This goes for all travelers; bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists.

-Keep an eye on your speed when driving near intersections. Always be ready to stop, and leave enough space to do so, when approaching an intersection.

-Remember that these kinds of accidents are completely preventable.

Drivers are also warned to be cautious when stopping at red lights. It’s important for drivers to avoid slamming on their brakes at an intersection. Some of the most common kinds of accidents at intersections and at red lights are rear-end accidents. This happens when a driver stops too quickly and another driver is following too closely. It’s important to be cautious in these areas, allow other vehicles and travelers with plenty of room and to be on the lookout for those who might not be obeying traffic devices and other laws. Safe and defensive driving habits are your best bet against a potentially fatal accident in these areas.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, contact the personal injury lawyers at Freeman & Mallard for a free and confidential review of your case. Call 1-800-561-7777.

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