
Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney Blog


Aggressive Driving-Related Car Accidents in Fort Lauderdale Successfully Targeted with DHSMV Campaign

Our Fort Lauderdale car accident attorneys have been talking recently about the dangers and the risks that are associated with aggressive driving and with road rage. You may remember that we told you about the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) and its efforts to crack down…


Teen Car Accidents in Weston and Elsewhere Fighting Against GDL Program

According to The Palm Beach Post, the number of teen car accidents in Weston and elsewhere could be reduced if state lawmakers beefed up their teen driving laws by taking steps to reinforce Graduated Driver’s Licensing (GDL) program. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) recently released a report that…


Connected Cars Preventing Car Accidents in Parkland and Elsewhere?

Our Parkland car accident attorneys have talked before about connected vehicle technology and its abilities to help to reduce accidents on roadways across the nation. Well, this technology has taken the next step in its development. The Research and Innovation Technology Administration (RITA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…


Motorcycle Accidents in Plantation and Elsewhere Showing No Sign of Relief

Motorcycle accidents in Plantation are a serious summer threat. In fact, nationwide they show no sings of decreasing, despite significant drops in other types of traffic accidents nationwide. We’re seeing the lowest number of auto accidents nationwide since 1949. Still, the number of motorcycle accidents won’t budge. In both 2010…

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