Crashes in construction zones are an ongoing and serious problem – in Florida and beyond. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports in a single recent year, there were nearly 97,000 crashes in work zones – which represented an 8 percent increase over the previous year and a stunning 43 percent…
Articles Posted in car accident attorney
Exploring Third-Party Liability in Florida Drunk Driving Injury Lawsuits
Drunk driving remains one of the leading causes of serious car accidents resulting in injury or death. Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to auto insurance, but if you meet the “serious injury threshold,” as outlined in F.S. 627.737, you can collect more than just personal injury protection…
Contribution Rights in Florida Car Accident Claims
In many Florida car accident claims, there is more than one tortfeasor (wrongdoer) who may be compelled to pay damages to the injured victim. Prior to 2006 and the passage of F.S. 768.81, Florida’s pure comparative fault statute, injured car accident victims could seek the full amount of damages from…
Car Accident Victim Sues Singer for Vicarious Liability of Assistant’s Negligence
Vicarious liability is the legal means by which we can pursue action against a vehicle owner or an employer for the negligent and injurious actions of those driving their vehicle or employees acting on behalf of the company. It’s not just long-haul truckers who fall into this category. Recently, DNCE…
Shoddy Repair of a Vehicle Traps Couple in Fiery Crash, Jury Awards $42 Million
Shoddy repair work by an auto body shop nearly cost a Texas couple their lives, and has left them with major burns and crushing injuries. It was a crash from which they otherwise should have walked away relatively unscathed. The Dallas Morning News reports that prior to the 2013 crash,…
Negligent Vehicle Maintenance Can be Grounds for Liability After Crash
Investigators examining the evidence in a fatal wrong-way car accident that killed two teenagers – best friends – have concluded the recreational vehicle that struck them head-on had no working headlights. Local media reports are the RV driver, 98, and his 75-year-old companion, were likely not seen by the two…
$250k Car Accident Verdict Upheld in Case Where Daughter Sued Mother
The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that an appellate court’s decision to grant a second trial to a plaintiff in a car accident injury case was the right move, thus securing the $250,000 in damages she won in the second jury verdict after suing her mother for alleged negligence while…
Injury Attorneys: Be Wary of Early Car Accident Settlement Offers
Following a car accident in Florida, it is not uncommon for auto insurers to contact either insureds or third parties, seeking to reach a settlement on the claim (sometimes even before it’s been formally filed). Our injury attorneys urge great caution in these interactions. Insurers essentially have two goals with…
More Than Just Your Word: Gathering Additional Evidence in Florida Car Accident Lawsuit
The best Orlando car accident attorneys know that when it comes to the burden of proof in crash cases, your word alone may not be enough to prove fault or damages. That’s why it’s so critical to involve a lawyer early on in the process, someone who can help you…
Snowbirds: Make Sure Your Vehicle is Properly Insured, or Risk Denial of Accident Claims
It’s important for “snowbirds” in Florida (those part-time residents who flock to the Sunshine State when the weather cools up north) to understand their obligations when it comes to car insurance. Failure to do so can result in denial of a claim. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor…