Articles Posted in Car Accident

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As Fort Lauderdale car accident attorneys, we note that one of the most common causes of serious and fatal crashes is red-light running.

Red-light cameras were born of the idea that because this action is so dangerous, there had to be a way to enforce the law, even if we couldn’t station a police officer at every intersection. The cameras, which are now used by some 77 county and city governments across the state, work by sensing violations, snapping photographs of the incident and then mailing a ticket to the vehicle owner.

While proponents say these devices save lives, opponents say they are nothing more than a revenue source for local governments, and there is even some evidence to suggest they heighten the crash risk at some intersections.
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The recent case of Wright v. Turner, reviewed by the Oregon Supreme Court, centered on the issue of underinsured motorist coverage.

Our Miramar car accident attorneys know that no matter what state you’re in, insurance companies will aggressively battle to reduce their liability. Ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve means you must be prepared to fight back.

In this case, the plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle that was struck multiple times by two other negligent drivers. The big question for insurance purposes was: How many accidents were there? Was there one, multi-vehicle collision, or were there two separate crashes?
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Car insurance is supposed to be a safety net, not only for those who purchase the policy, but for others on the road as well.

There are underinsured and uninsured motorist benefits for those injured by an uninsured driver or an at-fault motorist who lacks adequate insurance. But in some cases, even those who purchase decent plans may not realize they are not as fully covered as they might presume. Those injured in a car accident in West Palm Beach – may learn that “safety net” is in fact riddled with holes.

The reality is, many auto insurance policies have scores of exclusions in the fine print. These exclusions limit who is covered, when they are covered and to what extent they are covered.
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State and federal traffic laws and regulations are intended to keep drivers and other motorists safe. Issuing citations is one way to enforce seat belt laws, speeding limits, and other traffic regulations. What if a law goes unenforced? Is it still effective? Do drivers and motorists still see the benefits of the law? According to recent reports, Florida’s texting while driving laws have essentially gone unenforced throughout Broward County. The law went into effect in October, however there were only 32 citations issued in Broward County through the end of December.

Texting and driving is a known road hazard that has caused thousands of accidents, injuries and preventable fatalities throughout the state. Our Fort Lauderdale car accident attorneys are dedicated to helping victims recover compensation and in promoting driver safety. We have seen the devastating results caused by distracted drivers and urge all motorists to put down their cell phones when behind the wheel.
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High school and college students, parents, professionals and other hardworking Americans live busy lives. Every day we are looking for ways to save time and to get quickly from A to B. While multi-tasking is a productive way to get things done, it can be a dangerous interference when behind the wheel. Millions of Americans perform other tasks while driving—eating, putting on makeup, even reading or writing emails. This is a serious hazard and an epidemic that continues to pose a significant risk to drivers and other motorists on the road.

While drivers of any age group or demographic may be guilty of multi-tasking, new research shows that younger drivers who multi-task are more likely to cause an accident. Our car accident attorneys in West Palm Beach are dedicated to helping victims recover compensation in the event of an accident. We also know how devastating an accident can be and are committed to promoting public safety to prevent future injuries and fatalities.
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The next time you’re driving down the road and encounter an emergency response vehicle or an officer on the side of the road, you may want to pay a little better attention. Officials with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) recently announced the launch of a new enforcement effort aimed at drivers who don’t obey the state’s Move Over law.

Throughout January, officials with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) and other law enforcement agencies throughout the state will be on the hunt for drivers who crowd these roadside workers, putting everyone’s safety at risk. Troopers will be raising awareness and increasing patrols to make sure that everyone is aware of the state’s law.

Our West Palm Beach car accident lawyers know the Move Over Law is designed to protect Florida police, fire, and other emergency workers when they are on roads and highways. As you approach emergency vehicles you must move out of the lane closest to them if the road has two or more lanes traveling in your direction. Unfortunately, there are not many drivers who are paying attention and who are blatantly disregarding this law.
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This is a time for all of us to resolve to improve ourselves in 2014. We’re not talking about getting along better with your boss at work or losing weight; this is much more important. We all need to be better drivers.

Resolutions often only pertain to the person making them, but this is significant because they have the potential to affect family, friends, and every driver or passenger who shares the road with you at any given time.

Our Port St. Lucie car accident lawyers know when it comes to driving, it’s never been more important to just slow down. Your safety, your life, and the lives of others all depend on you to make the right choices behind the wheel. The three top causes of car accidents in the U.S. are drunk driving, speeding and distracted driving, according to
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Two men were recently killed in a Coral Springs traffic collision in which police say the driver rounded a curve, lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a tree.
Both men, aged 22, are believed to have died upon impact. While the investigation is ongoing, authorities are speculating that speed was most likely a factor in the wreck.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that one-third of all traffic deaths each year are the direct result of a driver who was traveling too fast. That amounts to about 10,000 lives lost.
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From regulating the backseat bickering to glancing back to check on the strapped-in infant, parents are among the most distracted drivers on the road.

This is not especially surprising, particularly for those who are parents. However, the degree to which they are distracted is startling. A new study by Australian AAA researchers suggests parents are 12 times more distracted than drivers who talk on their cell phones!

Over a period of three weeks, the scientists monitored the car trips of 12 families via in-car cameras. On average, the families each had two children who were between the ages of 1 and 8.
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The annual Traffic Safety Culture Index from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety will soon be released, and once again it will take a hard look into the driving habits and attitudes of American drivers.

And if our accident rates are any indication — it’s not going to be pretty.

To help make our roads safer for all, officials have been working to tackle three of the most dangerous driving habits — impaired driving, distracted driving and drowsy driving. Our Lauderhill car accident lawyers understand that officials with AAA recently kicked off their Drowsy Driving Prevention Week campaign. The latest U.S. accident data shows that Americans continue to discount the risks of drowsy driving, but many admit to getting behind the wheel when they’re so tired that they can hardly keep their eyes open.

Earlier this month, officials focused on distracted driving. According to the latest reports, drivers unanimously agree that distracted driving is dangerous and most drivers are in favor of hands-free devices to help to eliminate the problem. Unfortunately, hands-free devices have been proven to still cause serious cognitive distraction.
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