Officers with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), local law enforcement agencies and those with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) are on the hunt for intoxicated drivers.
It’s all a part of “Drive Sober Get Pulled Over” drunk driving campaign. Officers will be out in force on our roadways in search of dangerous and drunk drivers during the remainder of the year as November and December are two of the most dangerous months out of the entire year for these kinds of accidents.
Our Port St. Lucie injury attorneys understand that there’s a lot going on during this time of the year. It’s football season, we’ve got the end to Daylight Savings Time, there are a handful of holidays we get to enjoy and we have to worry about teenage drivers. Unfortunately, each of these issues come with some serious risks for car accidents, making the last 8 weeks of the year as some of the deadliest on our roadways — especially when talking about drunk driving car accidents.
Drunk Driving:
Each year, there are approximately 10,000 people who die in car accidents that involve a drunk driver. These accidents make up a third of all roadway deaths. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that about 700 people in the state of Florida were killed in these crashes in 2010. The Sunshine State was ranked in 3rd place for these accidents. Drivers are asked to be safe and responsible throughout the rest of 2012. There’s never a reason to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.
“FHP troopers will aggressively look for impaired drivers during the crackdown,” said Colonel David Brierton, FHP Director.
Football Season:
It’s college football time. And that means tailgate parties and cookouts. Unfortunately, that also means booze. Football season is one of the most dangerous times for drunk driving car accidents. It’s important that each resident recruits a designated driver for their team. A designated driver isn’t someone who has had the least to drink, but it’s someone who has had nothing to drink!
Daylight Savings Time:
With the time change, we’re going to get an earlier night. With nighttime comes increased risks for drunk driving car accidents. That’s right. Drunk drivers are more commonly found along our roadways during the evening than during the day. Be safe out there, stay sober behind the wheel and report any drivers who you may suspect are intoxicated.
Teenage Drivers:
You might think these drivers aren’t a threat because they can’t legally consume alcohol, but you’d be wrong. About a third of all teen drivers who are killed in car accidents return a positive blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test. Make sure you talk with your teen today about the risks involved with intoxicated driving. It’s a talk that could save their life.
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