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The holidays present some of the most dangerous driving conditions of the entire year.

According to Allstate, there were close to 475 people arrested for drunk driving, and another 40,000 cited, during the holiday period in 2011. That time consisted of December 16th through January 3rd. This year, the efforts start on the 12th of December!

Officials are out in force looking for those who thinks it’s a good idea to get behind the wheel after having too much to drink. It’s all a part of their holiday drunk driving campaign. Officials with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) and other local enforcement agencies will be pushing the “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.” initiative.

Our Royal Palm Beach injury attorneys understand that there are close to 400,000 car accidents in the state of Florida each year. Many of these accident happen over the holiday period.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), fatal drunk driving accidents accounted for more than 30 percent of the fatal accidents recorded in 2010. That means that there were more than 750 people killed in car accidents in which at least one driver was under the influence of alcohol. All of these accidents could have been avoided!

“Motorists who operate their vehicles in an unsafe fashion are a danger that puts innocent lives at risk,” says Florida Highway Patrol director Colonel John Czernis.

If you’re heading out over the holiday period, you’re asked to head out with a plan and to keep safety as a top priority. If you know you’re going to be consuming alcohol then you’re asked to go out with a designated driver. If you don’t have one of those, then you’re asked to take advantage of taxi cab services. You could even call a friend or a family member to have them come pick you up or you could use public transportation.

Another way you could help roadway safety is by reporting any drunk drivers you see on our roadways. You can report them by calling the FHP at *347 or by calling 9-1-1.

If you see a friend of a family member that’s been drinking and is about to get behind the wheel, take the keys from them! Help them to find a safe and sober way to get home. Never let your loved ones run into any danger. Your intervention could save lives.

“The holiday season can be an especially dangerous time on our nation’s roadways due to drunk drivers – that’s why law enforcement officers will be out in full force,” said U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary, Ray LaHood.

We would like to wish you a safe and Happy Holiday season and ask that you and your family stay safe and sober behind the wheel.
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Florida is in some trouble. According to a recent press release from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of fatalities among bicyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists in the country is on the rise. These numbers were significantly higher in 2011 in comparison to 2010.

Florida is among the nation’s most dangerous state when it comes to all three types of crashes.

With all of this bad news, officials are still patting themselves on the back for some overall decreases. While the total number of traffic fatalities may have decreased nationwide during this time, many forms of transportation continue to grow more dangerous

“Even as we celebrate the progress we’ve made in recent years, we must remain focused on addressing the safety issues that are continuing to claim more than 30,000 lives each year,” said the Administrator for the NHTSA, David Strickland.

Our Tamarac accident attorneys understand that there were close to 2,500 people killed in traffic accidents in the state of Florida in 2011. We were actually ranked as the third most dangerous state in the nation — behind California and Texas.

In 2011, there were more than 32,300 people killed in traffic accidents throughout the U.S. While officials boast this is a 2 percent decrease from the year before, there are still tens of thousands of people dying on our roadways every year. What’s most unfortunate is that most of these accidents are actually preventable. In addition to these fatalities, there were another 2.22 million peopled injured.

There are more reasons than “good driving” for the overall decrease. Officials report that the total number of vehicle miles driven was down in 2011 in comparison to 2010. When people are driving less, there are obviously fewer risks for accidents. Americans were staying home more because of the struggling economy and because of the rising gas prices. But that’s all changing!

Now that the economy is improving and gas prices are dipping, residents are feeling a little more comfortable hitting the road and taking those vacations they’ve passed up in recent years. The total number of vehicle miles traveled is expected to increase and with that we’re going to see more risks and ultimately more accidents, injuries and fatalities. It’s time like these that we need to pay the utmost attention to our driving skills. We also need to pay attention to the most vulnerable travelers along our roadways.

Pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists are urged to be extra careful. Here are the alarming stats:

-Bicyclist fatalities increased by more than 8.5 percent.

-Pedestrian fatalities jumped by about 3 percent.

-Motorcyclist fatalities increased by more than 2 percent.

Snowbirds are in town and visitors are venturing south for the winter. This is when our accident risks are the highest. Be safe out there and stay one step ahead of the traffic around you. Alert and defensive driving habits are your number one defense against a serious accident.
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As our Boynton Beach car accident lawyers recently discussed on our injury blog, elderly drivers face some serious risks for accidents behind the wheel.

Many older drivers are dealing with serious health and mobility issues — and it’s affecting their driving. Older Driver Safety Awareness Week is (December 3rd through 7th), according to The American Occupational Therapy Association as authorities look to shed light on this critical safety issue.

Aging is something we’ve all got to go through. It’s how we deal with these changes that will help to determine our safety on the road. During this awareness week, families are urged to check in on their elderly loved ones to make sure that everything’s going well and that they’re comfortable behind the wheel. Care and concern can help to draw attention to some serious safety issues and help to make the proper changes to make sure our elderly drivers stay safe.

“Older Driver Safety Awareness Week is a perfect time to test your skills or encourage someone you love to test theirs. If you need a tune up to sharpen your driving skills, do it soon,” said Dr. Richard Harkness, CEO of ADEPT Driver.

The awareness week looks to promote understanding of the importance of transportation and mobility in helping to ensure older adults remain active in the community, but that they do so safely. This is an excellent time to look in on the elderly members of your family to make sure that they’re okay behind the wheel. Many times, these drivers don’t recognize the dangers that they’re in. Talk with them about their health and about how comfortable they’re feeling behind the wheel. It’s a talk that could wind up saving their life.

Safety Tips for Elderly Drivers, from Help Guide:

-Make sure you’re getting your eyes checked each year. Ensure that your prescription glasses are current.

-Keep your mirrors, your headlights and your windshield clean and make sure that the brightness on your dashboard up to help to ensure visibility.

-Have your hearing checked every year. If you have hearing aids, make sure you’re wearing them every time you get behind the wheel. Be cautious when opening car windows. Drafts can sometimes impair the effectiveness of a hearing aid.

-Schedule a visit with your doctor and talk with them about the affects that medications of ailments may have on your safety behind the wheel.

-Make sure you’re getting a good night’s sleep. This is essential go safe driving.

-Recognize when you should give up your keys. This doesn’t mean you’re giving up your independence. It just means you’re going to stay safe even longer. There are plenty of other ways, including buses, public transportation and friends and family members, that can help you to get you to where you need to be — safely!
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Vehicles are coming equipped with more and more safety features. Some of the equipment is doing its job, while some isn’t. Still, it’s largely up to the driver to stay safe by keeping their vehicle under control in the event of a near-accident.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), electronic stability control technology (ESC) is one of these technologies. In a recent three-year study from officials with the NHTSA, this technology has saved more than 2,200 lives.

This technology has been mandated on all passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks. It was part of a federal safety regulation that was issued back in 2007. It was phased in over the years and now applied to all light vehicles that were made after September 1st of 2011.

Our Delray Beach car accident lawyers understand that ESC is designed to recognize adverse driving conditions. This is done by continuously measuring and evaluating the speed of the vehicle along with the wheel angle, the lateral acceleration and the yaw rate. It is also used to measure this information compared to a driver’s steering input with the vehicles actual motion. If the technology detects an unstable situation, the ESC automatically intervenes to help to driver to stabilize the vehicle. It applies the brakes as needed to reduce engine torque.

“These numbers send a clear message about this technology’s life-saving potential,” said Ray LaHood with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

According to the NHTSA’s analysis into the technology, ESC has saved more than 630 lives in 2006, more than 700 in 2009 and more than 860 in 2010.

The technology helps drivers to keep control of their vehicle in some of the most dangerous situations. NHTSA officials also report that it helps to prevent some of the most dangerous kinds of motor-vehicle accidents. These kinds of accidents include keeping drivers from running off of the road and from rollover accidents.

Consumers who are looking to purchasing a new vehicle should consider one that comes with this kind of technology. The NHTSA has a list of vehicles, made from 2005 to 2010, that have this technology on the Safe Car website. Consumers can also look up specific makes and models of a potential purchase vehicle to get this information as well. Do your homework. Make sure your choosing the safety and most reasonable vehicle for your needs.

To promote this technology, the NHTSA proposed a federal safety standard back in May to require this technology on large buses and on large commercial trucks. This was the first proposal of its kind for these large vehicles. With ESC technology, officials believe that close to 60 percent of these rollover accidents and about 15 percent of loss-of-control accidents could be prevented.
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The number of fatal car accidents in the state of Florida decreased in 2011, but that drop could be short lived as we enter the 2012 holiday travel season.

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), the number of fatalities resulting from car accidents in the state of Florida dropped by about 2 percent from 2010 to 2011, going from 2,444 to 2,400. With this small decrease, transportation advocates are still worried. Take the number of motorcycle and passenger fatalities for example. This number increased by about 20 percent during this time. The number of bicyclist fatalities also increased, by close to 60 percent. More teens were dying on our roadways, too.

With the improving economy, more travelers are feeling comfortable hitting the gas pump and hitting the road — especially for the holidays. An increase in these fatal accidents is expected as the economy continues to recover.

Our Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers understand that the month of December serves up some of the most dangerous conditions on our roadways. We’ve got residents and visitors venturing out on holiday vacations and we’ve got the snowbirds arriving in force. With the increase in traffic, we see significant increases in your risks for a car accident. We’re asking all travelers to be safe out there, including motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists.

“Traffic crashes are largely avoidable, and so I would urge drivers to give their full attention to the road when they are behind the wheel,” said DHSMV Executive Director, Julie L. Jones. “The Department strives to change driving behaviors and save lives.”

In 2011, the number fatality rate per mile traveled was at an all-time low. Drivers just were taking as many trips. This statistic, and many more, were recently released in the 2011 Florida Traffic Crash Statistic Report.

Report Highlights:

-Over the last 6 years, the number of fatalities resulting from car accidents has dropped from more than 3,530 to 2,400 (2005 to 2011).

-The number of car accident fatalities per 100 million miles traveled was more than 1.20 in 2011. This is also the same rate as 2010 as well as the lowest rate since the Department started keeping track back in 1968.

-The number of passenger and motorcycle rider fatalities increased by close to 20 percent.

-The number of bicyclists killed in traffic accidents increased by close to 60 percent.

-The number of teen drivers killed in traffic accidents increased by more than 5 percent.

As we round out 2012, when the risks for accidents are the highest, we’re asking drivers to be safe out there. Keeping your attention on the road at all times is important when it comes to getting home safe for the holidays.
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A motorcycle rider was seriously injured after reportedly crashing his bike into another vehicle in West Palm Beach. The accident happened at the intersection of Military Train and Forest Hill Boulevard at roughly 7:00 p.m., according to News Channel 5.

Capt. Albert Borroto with the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue reports that the motorcyclist was flown to the Delray Medical Center to be treated for injuries sustained in this crash.

Our West Palm Beach motorcycle accident lawyers understand that it’s that time of year again — the time when we see a whole lot of accidents along our South Florida roadways. As a matter of fact, the state of Florida is the second most dangerous for motorcycle accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

We ranked behind only Texas for the number of fatal car motorcycle accidents in 2010. During that year, there were close to 7,500 motorcycle accidents, more than 6,600 motorcyclist injuries and we saw close to 400 motorcycle riders killed in traffic accidents. Many of these accidents can be prevented with a little more awareness and attention behind the wheel — and behind those handlebars.

In 2010, motorcycle accidents accounted for close to 18 percent of all of the traffic accident fatalities in the state, according to Ride Smart Florida.

It’s the drivers between the ages of 45 and 64 who need to be the most careful, according to recent statistics. It’s this age group who were involved in the most accidents. The second most in-danger age group was those between the ages of 25 and 34.

These are costly accidents, too! In 2010, the median medical bill for one of these accidents in which a motorcyclist was admitted to the hospital was more than $55,500!

What plays a factor in these accident risks?

-Location: Florida is a popular tourist destination and host to a number of motorcycle enthusiast events.

-Close to 95 percent of motorcyclists who were killed in accidents in 2010 were in fact Florida residents.

-Helmet use in the state was observed at just under 50 percent in 2011.

-About a third of all motorcycle accidents involve alcohol.

-Weekends contribute to accidents significantly. About half of ll fatal motorcycle accidents happened on two-day weekends as opposed to the 5-day week.

As we round out the rest of 2012, our roadways are going to get pretty congested. Snowbirds are heading south, students are being let out of school and residents are cashing in on that vacation time. Safe and aware driving habits are your best defense against a potentially fatal car accident. Take the extra precaution and keep an eye out for motorcyclists.

Because in Florida, riding is a year-around activity.
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An accident with an 18-wheeler in Coral Springs has claimed the life of a man from Fort Lauderdale.

According to CBS Miami, the accident happened last week on State Road 7, north of Sample Road. The 64-year-old trucker was driving his Walmart big-rig when he said he felt like he hit a bump in the road and said he felt his load shift.

It’s wasn’t his load shifting though. He got to Walmart and saw some significant damage on the back of his truck. When he returned to the scene, he found police officers handling a fatal traffic accident. Officers say that they believe that a Lexus passenger vehicle slammed into the back of the truck, flew through some traffic signs and wound up in some trees on the side of the road. Officers also speculate that the passenger vehicle slid up under the truck because the top of it had been completely ripped off. The 29-year-old driver was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.

Our Broward trucking accident attorneysunderstand that the risks for traffic accidents, especially with tractor-trailers, increase through the holidays. We’d like to use this story as a reminder for drivers of all kinds to stay safe as we head into the holidays and the busy travel season.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were close to 3,700 people who were killed in traffic accidents that involved a large truck in 2010. Another 275,000 people were injured in these incidents, too.

We talk about the increase in these risks with the holiday season, well the risks are increasing with each passing year. The number of these accidents increased close to 10 percent from 2009 to 2010.

In 2010, there were close to 3,500 vehicles involved in fatal accidents in the state of Florida. Of these vehicles, close to 200 of them were large trucks. Only California and Texas saw more of these accidents.

“Safety on Florida’s roadways is a cooperative effort by cars and trucks alike,” said Mary Lou Rajchel with the Florida Trucking Association.

We’re asking drivers of all kinds to stay safe out there — especially when driving near large vehicles. These large trucks carry so much more weight and power than our passenger vehicles. We’re asking you to make sure you keep your distance from them. Never travel in their blind spots, follow too closely or cut in front of them. Your best bet is to just steer clear.
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With the presidential election behind us, you may have thought you’d seen the last of the blue and red states — but they’re back! Curiously, it seems a state’s traffic accident statistics may be correlated with its political affiliation.

According to NBC News, people who are in the red states are more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than those in blue states. The red states are generally Republican drivers supporting Mitt Romney, while the blue states represent Democrats in support of Barack Obama.

Our Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers understand that Florida is considered a “blue” state, if only by a few thousand votes. While we don’t have the highest risks for accidents, we do see some of the most fatalities. In 2010, there were close to 2,500 people killed in car accidents. For that year, we came in second place for having the most traffic accident fatalities in the entire country. When breaking down all of the states in the country, the ones with the highest fatal accident rates were all red. All but one of the 10 states with the lowest rates were blue.

Red & Blue States:

-Massachusetts had the lowest fatal accident rate.

-Wyoming had the highest fatality rate.

But why does a state’s political affiliation correspond with accident rates? Officials are still looking into it. Some believe that it’s the blue states that more readily adopt safety laws. That theory may be flawed with the lack of safety regulations we have on drivers in the state of Florida. The Sunshine State continues to be one of the only states left with absolutely no distracted driving laws on the books. But you can use Texas as an example for this theory. Texas is considered a red state and had a high rate of fatal car accidents. Texas recently opened a road with a speed limit of 85 miles per hour, which serves as the fastest roadway in the nation.

Other experts say that there are a multitude of factors that contribute to these numbers, like the rural conditions of a state. Rural drivers tend to drive longer distances and they use more dangerous (narrow and winding) roadways. Some even think that education levels and lower income stats contribute to higher fatal accident rates.

“No matter how you look at fatal crash rates, there are some important things that explain why states are different, and they’re not political explanations,” said Anne McCartt, with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The truth of the matter is that just as you have the freedom to represent your choice in politics, you have the choice to choose how safe, or unsafe, you drive. We’re asking everyone to make the same vote here — for roadway safety!
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Smoke, fog and rain can make our roads a whole lot more dangerous.

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), officials throughout the state are working to raise awareness about the risks. Officials with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), the Florida Forest Service and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) are pushing the “Beware of Smoke & Fog” safety campaign.

Our Port St. Lucie car accident attorneys understand how much your visibility can be reduced in these kinds of conditions. It’s important that drivers understand how these conditions affect their driving and ways to improve their safety. Officials with the DHSMV are here to offer you some safety tips to help you to get through these conditions safely.

Safe Driving Tips for Low Visibility:

-Slow it down. Avoid slamming on your brakes. This is how accidents happen. Try to slow down with ease.

-Make sure that your headlights are turned on low. Avoid your high beams and this will only further reduce your visibility.

-Avoid engaging in any distractions during low-visibility situations. Put down the cell phones and halt the conversations with the passengers.

-If you feel the need to stop because you can’t see, make sure you pull completely off of the road. Pull off as far as you can and turn on your hazard lights.

-If you see any hazards or dangers along our roadways, contact law enforcement officials or call 911. Your call can help to head off a potentially fatal accident.

-Check weather and traffic conditions before heading out.

“The agencies want every motorist to be aware of the dangers involved with weather events that affect our roadways and how fast those events can occur,” said Col. David Brierton, Director with the FHP.

The truth of the matter is that these conditions are unpredictable. Florida rain can fall at any second and fires and fog frequently reduce visibility unexpectedly. Be ready for varying conditions along our roadways to help to increase your safety, the safety of your passengers and the safety of other travelers.

This is especially important throughout the rest of the holiday season, as our roadways are slammed with vacationing and snowbird drivers. Be courteous of these motorists and remember they can easily get confused behind the wheel. Steer clear of them and keep your cool.

You may remember the car accidents that claimed the lives of 10 people earlier this year. According to FOX News, it all happened along Interstate 75 in Gainesville. The road was closed for some time because of both heavy smoke and fog. Roadways were cleared for drivers to proceed, but the dangers remained. Conditions were still too tough to see through and a massive auto accident, involving 5 cars and 6 big rigs, killed 10 people.
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Close to 40 million Americans are expected to pack up their car and head out for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

This accounts for about 90 percent of the people who will be traveling at least 50 miles from their home over the long weekend. In the state of Florida, officials are predicting more than 2 million travelers will make the journey — and that doesn’t count the people who will be pouring into the state for their holiday vacation, according to 13NEWS.

“So we’re going to have a lot of people driving into Florida not knowing where they are going, so patience, courtesy and giving yourself extra time is going to be very important,” said Jessica Brady, an AAA spokeswoman.

Our Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers urge drivers to be safe out there as traffic is expected to be at its busiest. Close to half of all holiday travelers are expected to head out to kickoff their holiday weekend on Wednesday. Drivers are warned. Officials with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) will be out there looking for dangerous drivers.

Be safe, be alert and be cautious to not only avoid a costly citation, but to also avoid a potentially fatal car accident.

Thanksgiving Travel Tips from the FHP:

-Be especially cautious on Wednesday and on Sunday as that’s when driving will be heading out on their vacation adventure and heading home.

-Remember to check the traffic reports before heading out. There are cameras throughout the state, installed by the Department of Transportation, that help to monitor the flow. When the DOT opened up its traffic management office, there was only one camera. Now there are several hundred scattered throughout the state.

-Make sure your car is ready for the trip. Make sure that all of the fluids under the hood are fresh and full. Check your tire pressure before heading out, too! Keep windows and mirrors clean to increase visibility.

-Avoid drinking and driving. If alcohol is involved in your holiday plans, make sure you have a designated driver. A designated driver has nothing to drink. It’s not the person who has had the least to drink.

-Know where you’re going and how to get there before your departure. Have your GPS set and ready to go before throwing it into drive.

-Avoid engaging in distractions while in the driver’s seat. Keep your attention on the task at hand — driving.

-Make sure everyone in your vehicle is buckled up during each ride.

“The last thing law enforcement wants to do is knock on someone’s door and tell them a loved one has been killed,” FHP Sgt. Kim Montes.

Last year, there were about 30 people who were killed in Florida traffic accidents over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. There were 38 who were killed in 2010.
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