While we typically hear about more teen car crashes during the summer months, they can happen any time of year. There are a variety of reasons for the seemingly excessive teen crashes including the inexperience of new drivers and also the riskier behavior in which teens tend to engage. This riskier behavior also applies to driving and that can result in a serious or even deadly car accident. When a plaintiff is killed a car wreck, or dies later as a result of the injuries sustained in the serious accident, this can lead to the need to file a wrongful death lawsuit pled under a theory of negligence. This is not only true of teen drivers, but also young adults.
According to a recent news article from TC Palm, an eighth-grade student was killed in a fatal car accident at the end of the 2017/2018 academic-year winter break. The victim’s mother said her son was on his last day of the winter break and was complaining of being bored. He wanted to go out for a ride even though it was raining hard. There was no destination in mind so he was looking to go for a joyride as kids often like to do. Continue reading →